Thursday, June 4, 2009


WOW! It's been quite a while since my last post and sooo much has happened since November of last year. Besides it being my first post of the year I can say "FINALLY" to a lot of things that has happened in my life. LOL! HMMM....where to start. This year has been such an incredible year for us. To start off, my husband decided that he wanted to go back to school this year. "FINALLY" after years of saying he was going back to school he finally committed and completed his first semester of college successfully. He prides himself on never missing a class and having 100% attendance but I had to bust his bubble and remind him that attendance doesn't reflect on your grades and that it doesn't count when you show up to class to sign the roll and then politely ask your neighbor to take notes for you in exchange for anything from 7-11 while you sneak out early through the back door. LOL!! He did awesome this past semester and I'm soo proud of him.

My brother, Vini, received his mission call to San Bernadino, CA. "FINALLY!" Since my brother was in primary I can remember him always asking questions about when he would be able to serve a full-time mission. I think in the back of his head was an internal clock counting the days down for when he'd be able to serve a mission (my mom probably had one too). He's the first missionary in our immediate family and we're all soo proud of him. WE LOVE YOU VINI!

My bathroom is being remodelled. "FINALLY!" After years of having to put up with this ugly blue-cloud like paint on my bathroom walls and stars and moons as the border (compliments of the previous owners), it's finally come off. Thanks to the hubby who has finally got around to checking off things on his long Honey-Do list. You're the best!!

And "FINALLY!" WE'RE EXPECTING. Yup, that's right, we're going to be parents. After a few years of wanting and talking about having kids, we're finally expecting. So far, it's been such an experience. We're still on cloud nine and everything seems like a dream. We've had 2 doctor appointments so far where we've been able to see and hear a heart beat. Wow! Pretty amazing to now be experiencing something like this after seeing my younger sisters go through it.

That's most of it in a nutshell. A lot has definitely happened since the beginning of the year.

1 comment:

Leti Purcell-YoungYen said...

Yay FINALLY your blogging again! LOL. Well I'm so happy for you to step into motherhood. You will be a wonderful mommy. LOVE YOU!